Wilanda Nicolas

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2014 Achiever of the Year

Wilanda Nicolas is a 26 year-old woman, currently in school working towards a Masters in Counseling Psychology at Felician College.

Without any formal education she was invited to the seminars that were conducted by UCOF. Unfortunately, because of some technicalities and lack of communication, I wasn’t able to sit in and listen in on any topics but that started the best part of my day. As a new intern she started out as an assistant to Sadè Solomon, last year’s UCOF Achiever of the Year.

During the 2014 Gala she was a backstage dresser and steamer, learning from current designers who were more than willing to take her under their wings the entire night and explain what fashion is about, the business of it, and how they got into it.

She will present, with her team members, a collection at this year’s Gala, which is sure to blow guests away. Her passion and interest in the fashion industry will take her further than even she sees herself going.

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