Winifer Estevez

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2014 Achiever of the Year

Winifer Estevez is a 19 year old artist. She currently attends William Paterson University in New Jersey majoring in Fine Arts under drawing and illustration.

Although she is categorized as a Fine Artist and most of her work consist of portraits, her heart lies in fashion designing and everything that has to do with the fashion industry really. She aspires to be both a fashion illustrator and a fashion designer. Fashion illustration to her is all fun and all creativity but fashion designing has a very formal and business side to it, both of which she loves. Her lifetime goal would be to inspire inner city kids to go out and fight for their dreams and know that they can do big things. Children from inner cities think that they can’t do anything with their lives because of where they are from but that’s not the case at all. She believes this truth needs to be communicated to youth. Coming from from a poverty stricken city and a city that does not carry the best reputation has not stopped her from believing that one day she too can stand next to the greats and say “I made it; I’m just as good”.

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