Name: Miranda Feneberger
City: Athens, GA
Age: 19
School: University of Georgia
Major: English
Ombre: If you could name your personal style, what would it be?
Miranda: This is a hard question. I love comfy clothes, and I love being casual, but put together. I love pieces that are a little unique, and I’m a big fan of cool T-shirts. I think my style would be best described as “Casual Cool” if that’s a thing. I also love menswear, and I think there’s always a bit of a menswear influence in my clothes.
Ombre: Is there an interesting story with any staple piece you’re wearing?
Miranda: Not really an interesting story, but I love this shirt. I think “Love Thy Self” is a great motto, but “Love Thy Selfie” just adds a funny twist to that. I think self-love and body positive thinking is important, so if you have to wear it on a shirt to remind yourself, then why not? Also, gotta love those selfies.
Ombre: What’s your favorite piece in this photo and why?
Miranda: I think the shirt is my favorite piece, but second to that it’s definitely the skirt. Every girl should own a black skirt. It’s just a classic, adaptable piece that you will wear over and over again. I think this one was $15 or so at Target, so you can definitely find affordable skirts if you do a little looking. I love the cut and length of this one, and I think it’s really flattering (despite my super weird leg tan).
Ombre: What’s one trend you will never follow?
Miranda: One trend I will never follow, which thankfully is being phased out, is the cross-patterned clothing. I’m not Christian, and I think it’s a little disrespectful to wear someone’s religious symbols to make a fashion statement. Don’t get me wrong, I love wearing the Hamsa Hand and evil eye, but I definitely believe in those things more than the cross. My motto is “don’t wear it if you don’t believe it”. Be respectful of people’s beliefs and don’t ironically or ignorantly wear religious symbols that aren’t your own. I’m not sure if that’s justified, but it just makes me a little uncomfortable.
Ombre: How can UCOF empower you through fashion?
Miranda: Fashion is empowering because it allows you to show people a little bit of your personality without saying anything. I love keeping up with trends, and watching fashion change throughout the years. I think fashion empowers me by allowing me to be creative and think a little more about the statement I want to make and the perception I want others to have of me.
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